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Glu/Sense™ Wipes out Post-Op Dentinal Sensitivity!

Glu/Sense™ Wipes out Post-Op Dentinal Sensitivity!

Putting a Lid on Sensitivity with Glu/Sense, Centrix’s dentin pre-treatment desensitizer gel.

Glu/Sense provides fast and accurate placement for a host of pain-free restorative procedures!

Dental Product Shopper explains the ins and outs of dentinal sensitivity and how you can make procedures as pain-free as possible for your patients. It’s so easy to use, Glu/Sense should be part of your arsenal.

Read the full article here! https://old-site.dentalproductshopper.com/article/putting-lid-sensitivity


  • Under direct composite restorations with bonding systems
  • Under inlays, onlays, crowns and veneers
  • Under amalgam restorations
  • Made in the USA

For more information on Glu/Sense or to place an order, visit our website!

Our Glu/Sense Kit contains 6 x 1.0ml syringes + 60 SofNeedle Tips

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