Downloadable Product Images
You'll find all image files for our products, organized by category. Each photo is listed with the product name, part number, and a download link for easy access.

Brand Logo
Do this
Acceptable single-color versions of the Centrix logo include: White, Black and PMS 287 Blue.
2-color version will only be used
on a white background.
1-color version will only be used
on a dark background.
Don't Do this
Any other color variations or combinations are unacceptable.
Logo should not be used smaller than 1”.
At this size, the tagline, “Making Dentistry Easier®”
can be omitted for readability. Registered
trademark is still required.
Delivery Systems
Access Automix Nozzle Needle Tips
290017, 290028, 290022, 290025, 290080
Access Standard Impression Syringe
110009, 110010, 100038
AccuDose High Viscosity Tube
280021, 280023, 290046
AccuDose Low Viscosity Tube
210000, 210021, 210023
AccuDose NeedleTubes
220000, 290031, 290032, 290033, 290049
Benda Brush Mini
370111, 370601, 370602, 370603, 370604
Benda Brush Regular
370101, 370501, 370502, 370503, 370504
Benda Micro Extra-Fine
380029, 380030, 380033
Benda Micro Fine
380006, 380012, 380013
Benda Micro Regular
380005, 380014, 380015, 380016, 380017
Benda Microtwin
380020, 380021, 380022, 380023
Benda Microtwin Extra-Fine
380027, 380028
Benda Twin
370105, 370106, 370107, 370108
Luer Lock Needles
330540, 640001, 640002
Medium Viscosity Tubes
210001, 210003, 240001, 250001, 250011
360010, 910626, 910628, 910631, 910632, 910637, 910638
290051, 290052
3.n.One Impression Trays
360011, 360012, 360013, 360014
Access Impression
360002, 360016, 360017
Access Standard Impression Syringe
110009, 110010, 100038
NoCord VPS MegaBody Tray Material
310281, 310283, 310286, 310287
Oral Care & Prevention
700001, 360137, 360138, 360139, 360087, 360077, 360106, 360110, 360111, 360112, 360107, 360108, 360109, 360086, 360078, 360105, 360221, 360140, 360141, 360142
360088, 360090, 360092, 360094
Encore D/C MiniMix
310129, 310130, 310254, 310255
- encore-dc-minimix-group.jpg
- 310130-310255-encore-dc-minimIx-contrast-syringe-in-hand.png
- 310130-310255-encore-dc-minimix-contrast.jpg
- 310130-310255-encore-dc-minimix-contrast-in-tip.jpg
- 310129-310254-encore-dc-minimIx-natural-syringe-in-hand.png
- 310129-310254-encore-dc-minimix-natural.jpg
- 310129-310254-encore-dc-minimix-natural-in-tip.jpg
860010, 860011, 860012, 860013, 860014
310035, 310053, 310054, 310055, 310032, 310052
330501, 330502, 330503, 330530, 330531, 330532, 330520, 330521, 330522, 330540
330600, 330601, 330610, 330602, 330604, 330605, 330606, 330609
Access Crown
360029, 360030, 360031, 360034, 360035, 360037,360038
NoMix Temporary Cement
290040, 310157, 310520, 640002
Tempit Family
310060, 310063, 310064, 310065, 310067
Tissue Management
Access Edge
360113, 360114
360103, 360104, 360056
360100, 360101, 360102
GingiTrac MiniMix
360068, 360069